feel free to edit or modify these breeds in any way, make them better or worse, breed them, whatever all i ask is that you give credit to my site! (TOXOPLASICITY)
breeds are listed from newest to oldest. if a breed is a lacking a conversion for your game version, you can make your own and distribute it with friends
"It's what they call 'You'."
DELTARUNE belongs to Toby Fox. Russian Blue over-write
(it's recommened you 'fix'[spay/neuter] this one by default to avoid any uncomfortable implications due to the nature of the character.) ~Dib
[Big Wings (P5)][Little Wings (P5)]
[Big Wings (P4)]

"He is his own worst invention."
DELTARUNE belongs to Toby Fox. non-overwrite, you can have both in the game at the same time

"We'll be waiting for you with rose-tinted glasses..."
DELTARUNE belongs to Toby Fox. Poodle over-write

Tallest Red [Unibreed].

Invader Zim belongs to Jhonen... obviously
[petz 5].

this is my fursona, it's mostly up for download for archivial reasons
angel cat
petz 5.

they are russian blue based, and only has one varient. her wings move awkwawrdly with her body, but she is one of my earlier hexes. the halo is a prop and does not come with the breed. [THIS BREED IS FROM MY OLD SITE.]
love cat
petz 5.

they are siamese based. right out of the adoption center, they have 3 variations, and have a heart on their chest. this may be updated later. the wings on these are also a bit wonky. [THIS BREED IS FROM MY OLD SITE.]