my breedz policy also applies to my toyz, feel free to modify or use code as long as you credit my site.
i cannot assure that no toy conflicts with any other fan-made toy, but none of them conflict with any vanilla toyz.
feel free to edit them for personal use, like changing the ID's to not conflict with any other hexed toyz you might have or converting them to another version.
a set of four themed Littlest Pet Shop toys! All pictures are originally from non-overwrite
A suspiciously-obtained human SOUL for your petz to bat around. non-overwrite
Susie, Noelle and Ralsei Plushies
the unused plushies from Temmie's twitter as toyz! non-overwrite
Dark Candy
a sticky-sweet Dark Candy for your petz! based on the cheese, but tastes sweet. non-over-write