Name: Max

Age: 18

Pronouns: She/her, He/him

Height: 5'2

Likes: Her friends, old computers, bugs and birds, soda, BLOOD!

Dislikes: people who hate wasps for no reason, a lot of things...

Description: A black cat, who can be plantigrade, digitigrade, or shaped like a normal cat! She has pink, blue, green, light yellow and then pink again, in that order, on the base of her ears. the tip of her ears are black, like the rest of her fur. her tail is the same, except the pink and stuff is on the tip of the tail. she has blue eyes and bright neon green pawpads. she wears alot of different clothes but is always wearing a black spiked collar. she is usually wearing dark colored jeans, black shoes, a black shirt (can have the design in the picture, or an MCR logo, or invader zim or anything else she likes!!!), and two earings in each ear. if digitigrade she doesn't wear ANY pants or shoes, and if she is cat-shaped then she only wears her collar and earrings. in any form she can wear a ton of different bracelets and accesories

About:me in every way, to the very core. a life-long shut in with a love for art in the gorey, obscene and absurd. in some kind of relationship with his computer. doesn't really have any goals of her own, simply goes where the water pushes her, and struggled to the surface when she needs to breathe. likes to collect merchanise of her favorite things (plushies especially) and making stuff for his friends. likes spikes, stripes, sharp objects, soda, low effort emo-type fashion(i know i've dressed her in a lot of bright colors but really!). tries to carefully curate a tough or unaffected personality but really just comes off as strange and aloof, with a soft heart whenever needed.